Women In IT Leadership: How To Master Your Inner Critic
Our inner voice can be beneficial. It can caution us when we’re in danger or help us think more critically about something. When it turns into a spiral of negative thoughts and emotions, however, our inner voice can become an inner critic — and our worst enemy. As women’s leadership expert Tara Mohr discussed on Harv...
What 2020 Taught Us: The Best Tips and Expertise to Elevate Your 2021 Hiring
It’s safe to say that we’re living in a very different world today than we were a year ago. Amid all the changes, pivots, and FFTs
4 Ways a Change in the C-Suite Can Save a Distressed Portfolio Company
2021 looks to be different than 2020 in terms of hiring needs, company structuring, and management of resources and staff. Despite potentially major shifts, most private equity firms and venture capital fund managers still expect that the economy will improve this year—and they’re planning with that optimism in mind.According to results of
7 Ways to Shake up Your Executive Hiring Methods in 2021
It’s safe to say it’s been an unconventional year—and, in many ways, an unprecedented one. With this in mind, why do things the way you always have? If there’s one thing this last year has taught us, it’s that the same approaches to challenges don’t always work. Trying new methods can result in better outcomes, and for private equity firms, considering trying something di...
How to Protect Your Firm from a Dead-End Retained Search (and Not Overpay)
In today’s virtual hiring climate, private equity firms are facing a unique set of hiring needs, and, living and working in the midst of a pandemic has only further complicated the hiring process. Virtual interviewing has
Who Are the Best Operating Partners in the PE World? You Might Be Surprised.
At Madison Gunn, we talk a lot about interim executives in the world of C-suite talent acquisition. And we don’t just talk about them—we get to know them well, we work hand in hand w...
Madison Gunn Weighs in on the Evolution of Virtual Hiring
It’s clear that times have changed in many aspects of our working and personal lives, and that once we’ve gotten through the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no going back to the way we once did things. This has even reached into the world of executive hiring, as flights, in-person meetings, and other traditional ways for candidates and prospective employers to get to kn...
Private Equity's Guide to Hosting Better C-Suite Interviews (Virtually)
The in-person interview and hiring process has evolved into a largely virtual environment. At Madison Gunn, though the process looks different in terms of tools and capabilities, it’s still just as effective and efficient for our clients—and in some ways, it’s even better. The virtual process has filled in gaps that previously existed in an in-person environment, widened...
Quality C-Suite Executives Are More Available Than Ever - Why It's Time to Unfreeze Your Hiring
The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken markets everywhere in unexpected ways, and changed the way all types of companies do business. Private and public sector workplaces are making decisions about how to
Virtual Interviewing 101: Tips for the C-Suite
In a world grappling with a pandemic, interview norms have largely gone out the window—and moved into the home. Yesterday’s in-person boardroom interviews are today’s makeshift home offices, where executive candidates can only see their interviewers behind a computer screen. Rules we lived by pre-pandemic have shifted or, in some cases, been eliminated altogether. As an ...
This Executive Search Firm Practice May be Keeping You From Your Best Candidates
When your private equity firm or portfolio company is in the market for a C-suite executive, there are several directions you can go to find the best talent. You can choose to use your own network, knowing that your results will be limited. Or, you can choose to extend your pool of talent by partnering with an executive search firm. Even if you know your own network has ...
Is Your Leadership Team Equipped to Lead in a Virtual Environment?
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and the massive shift to remote work for American workers across the nation, a mere seven percent of civilian workers, or roughly 9.8 million people,
The Most Valuable PE Resource You've Never Considered
When the need arises to quickly build up an executive team, or the heat is on to replace an executive position that’s suddenly vacant, time isn’t always on your side. Executive vacancies can adversely affect operations, finances, employee morale, and short-te...
Is Your Search Partner Really Putting Your Best Interests Over Their Own? Questions You Should Be Asking.
Finding the right executive hire is critical for the success of a business and its stakeholders. After all, that person will be making decisions that will shape both the company’s culture and financial trajectory. For private equity firms, finding the right execut...
Specialists Are Out! Why Generalist Search Partners are a Better Option for PE Firms.
Generalists are having a moment. “Having more diversified knowledge and being a Jack-of-all-trades actually allows you to master knowledge that is farther away from your expertise in ways that can be beneficial,”